The Zoo offers educational, exciting and FUN programs during winter, spring and summer vacations. FIND OUT MORE!!!!
The first option many schools explore is simply coming to enjoy the day at the zoo. Self-guided trips to the zoo are a great addition to a field day excursion or other off-school-grounds adventure. Special group disounts are available for schools that prefer this type of open structured experience. In addition, Capron Park Zoo has activity packets available to make your self-led investigation more fun!
FEE: $100/session, up to 20 children per session. This includes admission to the zoo for 20 children and all school personnel. Additional adult chaperones are $7/adult.
NatureTech: So many inventions we use have their roots in the observation of nature. Explore how the world around us has inspired a plethora of inventions we use and see everyday.
Classification Safari: A look at scientific classification that starts with basics and moves into the 'nuts and bolts' of how animals are grouped.
*this class can only accomodate 15 students at a time.
Contact the Education Department for a list of topics and tours
FEES: $125/session - includes admission to the zoo for up to 30 children per session and all school personnel. Additional adult chaperones are $7/adult.
Wild Encounters: Our most popular program! This exploration of animal groups is easily adapted to fit younger age groups and is especially good for mixed age classes
What Do They Eat?: A look at what different groups of animals like to eat in a way kids can understand.
Snake, Rattle and Roll: Reptiles like snakes and turtles captivate most children. This program introduces students to the amazing realm of the reptile.
NatureTech: So many inventions we use have their roots in the observation of nature. Explore how the world around us has inspired a plethora of inventions we use and see everyday.
Classification Safari: A look at scientific classification that starts with the basics and moves into the nuts and bolts of how animals are grouped.
A Tree's Story: This rainforest program focuses on the amazing biodiversity of the rainforest by 'listening' to the story of a single tree.
Quick, Frozen Critters: This active and engaging program will show kids how different hunting and hiding adaptations help animals survive.
Destination Conservation: A study of endangered species, threats to their survival and how kids can take steps to help.
NatureWeb: A tree in a rainforest is much like the internet-through the 'web of life' we can touch and impact so many people, places and animals. Students will examine how a fig tree is the center of the 'world wide nature web' in a rainforest.
Darwin's Big Idea: Take a look at the man behind the revolutionary theory that set the world on fire!
Biodiverstiy Rocks: The variety of life on earth is fantastic and very important to our continued survival. This program looks at what threatens that amazing diversity and what can be done to preserve it.
A Striving Planet: Many factors come into play when scientists explore the reasons for a species extinction. Students will learn how the slow and constant changes in the earth's geology has impacted the need to adapt or dies.
Dragonfly Pond: How does modern urban planning effect animals and the environment? In this debate focused program, students will strive to plana zero-impact town.
FEES: $140 for session/day
$265 for 2 sessions/day
$365 for 3 sessions/day
$440 for 4 sessions/day